Do you suffer from ANTS?

At this point we may be talking about different Ants, I am not talking about the small, hard working, itch provoking insect ants, no definitely not. The ANTS I am referring to are Automatic Negative Thoughts.

This is something that affects me massively and in conjunction with my Imposter Syndrome can leave me with crippling self doubt and almost incapable of working. Tasks that I know I am more than capable of completing seem impossible. Continue reading

I hate you, but love how you make me feel

Sub HeadingMy relationship with running. That was the real title, but lets face it, that wouldn’t have grabbed your attention half as easily.

Running is something I have never ever enjoyed, at one stage of my life I used to say ‘nothing in life is worth running for, there will be another train or bus, the only reason to run is if someone is chasing you with a weapon‘. Continue reading

Just relax ……

A while ago when I was writing my ‘about me’ for this blog I asked my friends to send me words that described me or sprung to mind when they thought of me. These were then worked in with my own thoughts. This is not an experiment I will ever do again (it wasn’t bad it just made me uncomfortable (I don’t take praise and compliments well)). Continue reading

Finding a new normal.

A few months ago I wrote a post on how I stay grounded when things in my life are challenging. In it I shared with you the steps I take when I feel low and want to connect to when times were good.

The things that I spoke of rely mainly on life being relatively normal, and at that point I had no idea that our whole view on what normal is would change so dramatically, and that life would take such a dramatic turn. Continue reading

The lies we tell ourselves

There has been a lot of Be Kind talk recently, following the loss of Caroline Flack (even though the sentiment was shorter lived than the hashtag) and a lot of it’s OK to not be OK posts.

Most of this sentiment is focussed on us being nicer to others, more understanding, helping others see it’s OK to not be OK. Continue reading

When plans don’t go as we expect … resilience

There is a familiar diagram that shows plan vs reality. It shows that we plan for a smooth journey, linear, a to b, start to finish, dream to reality. But the reality of life is that it is a mess of a journey, up down, back, forth, retracing some steps, facing obstacles along the way that we never thought of. Continue reading